Keine Angst vor PMU-Korrekturen: So gelingt die Verbesserung unschöner Permanent Make-up Konturen

Don't be afraid of PMU corrections: This is how the improvement of unsightly permanent make-up contours

In my practice, I am often confronted with correcting unsightly permanent make-up (PMU) contours. The aim is to improve the original contour and to achieve a natural result. Many customers are unsettled if your PMU has not reached the desired look - but don't worry: Most of the unsuccessful or discolored pigmentation can be successfully corrected. So our customer no longer has to cover unclean contours every day.

Frequent corrections at PMU: focus on eyebrows in the focus

I particularly often see faulty eyebrow pigmentation. These are either very asymmetrical, too wide or too dark. An experienced hand is crucial here to let the eyebrows appear aesthetic and natural.

The biggest challenge arises in asymmetrical eyebrows. Here it is often necessary to remove the incorrect line before or after the correction so that it corresponds to the beautiful pigmented side. In such cases, gentle lightening or removal with lactic acid is an excellent option. This process usually includes two to five sessions, depending on the intensity of the original pigmentation. Compared to laser removal, this method is not only safer, but also more gentle on the skin, which means a convincing result for our customers.

Discoloration: from gray to red - this is how they are successfully retouched

Another common problem with unsuccessful PMU is the discoloration of the eyebrows. Gray eyebrows in particular can be easily refreshed by a retouching with the right pigment colors. A lightening with acids or lasers can require up to ten sessions for very strong discoloration - this is often a major challenge for the customer. Instead, I retouching with skin -like colors such as HC Skin or HC Honey and also use the HC Orange corrector to achieve an optimal result. Then I pigment in the same session with the desired color.

For a warmer result, the warmest brown tone HC Choco, which can be mixed with HC Canvas or HC Safari, is recommended. An important note: It should never be pigmented as a ashous tone over a gray eyebrow, since this would only lead to a gray result again.

I also retouching red or green residues caused by mineral colors or iron oxide colors with HC Honey or HC Skin. This type of correction is often less problematic than the treatment of dark shades of gray.


Corrections are damage limitation, but worthwhile

It is important to emphasize that PMU corrections are usually to be understood as a limitation of damage. A corrected contour is undoubtedly better than the original malpigmentation, but it will not be fully compared with a new drawing. Especially when it comes to a fine hair drawing, the possibilities are limited if a lot has to be retouched. The more of the old pigmentation remains visible, the more difficult it becomes to clearly recognize fine lines.  

Coachings at Haut Contour: Individual training for PMU experts

In our individual coaching on Haut Contour, we convey detailed techniques for the right retouching and correction of PMU. Each coaching is individually tailored to the needs and the skills of the participants (a maximum of two people per session). In this way you can develop optimally and professionalize your skills in the field of PMU corrections.

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